Saw Izumi for Outcall downtown Asian massage. What a lovely lady! She had on shorts and a tank-top that really showed her lovely breasts. She has the cutest little body, and a nice face that I could once she took her mask down momentarily. When I first arrived, she told me to come back in an hour because she had to eat dinner. I was glad that she actually let me make that return appointment. The massage was pretty good. As I was faced down, she positioned herself between my legs for the duration of the back and leg massage. She used her knees on my back to work some of those really tough spots. There was no teasing. On the flip, she asked if THAT needed to be taken care of? When I asked for the full menu, she hesitated until she got me fully erect before making a final determination. The remainder of the session was enough for me to know that I will be coming back to see her again.
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